Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Doubt:The Movie and Pedophilia in the Schoolhouse

Sister Aloysius, the catalytic character in the movie, Doubt; portrays the responsible educator confronted with the duty to act when faced with pedophilia in the schoolhouse.
My own experience with this duty to act was driven by the complaint raised by the boyfriend of a former student. The student, still traumatized by the experience of the sexual betrayal at the hands of a trusted staff member. I was newly appointed to my position as a high school principal, yet I did take the responsibility. At the time, the laws were different on one level, but the individual accountability for doing the "right thing" are always present. I initiated an investigation, talking to staff members who came forward with what they knew. It was a floodgate with yearbooks used to point out students who were victimized over time.
My investigation revealed that the staff member in question had seventeen years of complaints about inappropriate sexual relationships with male and female students.
After bringing this information to the superintendent, he then hired an investigator.
The investigator compiled an overwhelming body of evidence as a result of gathering signed statements from parents and students regarding the sexual activity with children in the school.
As the episode progresses, politics prevails. The individual in question is permitted to resign.
when he surfaces again it is as a staff member in an adjacent school district with a recommendation from a then member of the state board of education.
And parallel to the outcomes for the accused in the movie, the individual is left to repeat the behavior with a new audience of students.dophilia

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